Mark McCann


 •  Snippet: JavaScript

Object-Oriented JavaScript Template

A simple pattern for writing applications in JavaScript based on object–oriented principles.

Coming from more strictly-typed languages, developers new to JavaScript may find its implementation of object-oriented principles, a little wonky. If this is you, the template below is an example of how I like to write and organize my applications. I hope it can help you better understand how to accomplish certain object-oriented tasks in the language.

The Class

By wrapping your class in a self-invoking function you can create "private" variables and functions available to your object and nothing else. Learn more about the modular pattern here.

var Person = (function () {

    // local (private) vars
    var _greeting = "Hi";

    // constructor
    var Person = function ( name, age ) { = name;
        this.age = age;
        return this;

    // class methods
    Person.prototype.sayHello = function() {
        return _greeting + ", I'm " + + " and I am " + age;

    // static methods
    Person.setGreeting = function( greeting ) {
        _greeting = greeting;

    return Person;


You would then create instances and invoke their methods like this.

// creating new instances
var harry = new Person( "Harry Potter", 11 );
var ron = new Person( "Ron Weasley", 11 );

// invoking class attributes and methods
harry.sayHello(); // Hi, I'm Harry Potter and I am 11.
ron.sayHello(); // Hi, I'm Ron Weasley and I am 11.

// invoking static methods
Person.setGreeting( 'Greetings' );
harry.sayHello(); // Greetings, I'm Harry Potter and I am 11.


Extending the app to add functionality is very easy; create a new module, include your object and then add attributes and methods.

(function ( Person ) {

    // local variables
    var _newGreeting = "Wazzup?";

    // adding a class method
    Person.prototype.newGreeting = function(){
        return _newGreeting + " I'm " +;

    // adding a static method
    Person.setNewGreeting = function( greeting ){
        _newGreeting = greeting;

})( Person );
harry.newGreeting(); // Wazzup? I'm Harry Potter
Person.setNewGreeting( "What's your name?" );


Inheritance in javascript can be a little quirky, but this is how I do it.

var Wizard = (function ( Person ) {

    // constructor
    var Wizard = function ( name, age ) {
        // initialize the parent this, name, age );
        // put all your new attributes here ...
        return this;

    // inherit parent's class methods
    Wizard.prototype = Object.create( Person.prototype );
    Wizard.prototype.constructor = Wizard;

    // inherit parent's static methods individually
    // or use an extend function add them dynamically
    Wizard.someStaticMethod = Person.someStaticMethod;

    // put all new class and static methods here ...

    return Wizard;

})( Person );
var harry = new Wizard( "Harry Potter", 11 );
harry.sayHello(); // Hi, I'm Harry Potter and I am 11.

Learn More

For more, you can find my full JS template here and a jQuery version of the same, here.
